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 Un cimetière Vinking

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Masculin Gémeaux Cochon
Nombre de messages : 488
Date de naissance : 29/05/1983
Age : 41
Localisation : Boulogne Billancourt
Emploi/loisirs : Voyage astral , magie élémental , flash , medium , rêve prémonitoire
Date d'inscription : 13/03/2008

Un cimetière Vinking Empty
MessageSujet: Un cimetière Vinking   Un cimetière Vinking Icon_minitimeLun 21 Juil - 20:55

Salut à tous et toutes ,

On a previous program I heard about the "Stone Ships" in Southern Sweden and thought I would check it out while I was in the neighborhood (I just returned from a trip there to visit my family). It was quite impressive and this particular one was set up on a plain atop a cliff which provided a breathtaking view. There are a couple of different theories as to what the formation is or represents. One theory is a Viking burial ground, I believe, and the other, a calendar. The Coast to Coast guest said that he could feel an "energy" when he laid down in the center of the formation. My sister did that but did not "feel" anything. Hope you enjoy the photos!


Un cimetière Vinking Stoneships052408-1

Un cimetière Vinking Stoneships052408-2

Un cimetière Vinking Stoneships052408-3
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Un cimetière Vinking
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