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 Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre

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Masculin Nombre de messages : 445
Date d'inscription : 09/03/2008

Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre Empty
MessageSujet: Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre   Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre Icon_minitimeSam 29 Nov - 9:31

Bonjour à tous ,

Voir la version traduite en Français ici :

Just thought your listeners might find this photograph interesting. It is one of my favorite photos from the investigations I have been on. On June 10, 2006 our team was called in to investigate a Victorian style home in a small town in Northwest Iowa. The homeowners reported that multiple family members had witnessed full bodied apparitions in and around the property. They also told us that while the family was away on vacation, neighbors checking up on the home would see children's faces looking out the windows of the home. The family stated that the home had once been home to the town's doctor and also held a nursery for young children.

Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre Ghost103108b

This photo was taken at approximately 9:34pm. I was taking exterior shots of the home and with a Nikon D70 digital SLR camera. When I downloaded the photos to my laptop a few minutes later I was shocked to find the image of what appears to be a child with red hair that comes down to her sides and what looks like a Victorian style outfit, looking out the window at me. The photo taken approximately 15 seconds earlier of this window showed nothing unusual or anyone standing in the window

I immediately took steps to try to debunk the photo and run through several theories of natural explanations of the image. None of the investigators or homeowners had been present in this room when the photo was taken, nor did they match the description of the possible apparition. I took several more photos of the window from the same spot that I had been standing and had one of the female investigators stand in roughly the same spot to try to see if any deception had been involved. The investigator's face was clear and not at all blurred like the photo in question. To top this all off, a full size piano and bench was located next to the window which would have needed to be moved for someone to stand in the same spot as the apparition. In the end we were unable to debunk the photo.

The photo above is the original file has not been altered or changed. The second photo (below) has been enlarged.

Un fantôme derrière une fenêtre Ghost103108c

Any comments or ideas on this photo would be greatly appreciated. I hope all the C2C listeners and C2C staff have a wonderful, spooky, and above all very safe Halloween!

John Shrimpton
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